Korean Apple artificial pollination device
Increased efficacy in pollination, Sale by an agent of Itayanagi.
Attention to the present domestic/international manufacturers.
The Japan Agricultural NEWS 2016.4.13
Ultra pollination device
Demonstration of 1 hour by 1 person at 1ha in peach farm
One-touch attached to speed sprayer.
Japan Agriculture tool NEWS 2016.4.20
Fruits powder of Oecheon conference for farming tools stores.
Ultra elimination of labor using windpower of speed sprayer in right period
Japan Agriculture tool Newspaper 2016.4.25
Promoting introduction of flowerpot sprayer
Labor-Saving for the present apple pollination
Japanese modern agriculture 2016. 5
Exclusive device for apple pollination for 1 ha in an hour
Exclusive machine for speed sprayer pollination
Flower festival demonstration in Japan
Demonstration of the Sotokawa farming tool for farmers in Japan